GTA 5 character cheats

Max Health and Armor Weapons and Extra Ammo Raise Wanted Level Lower Wanted Level Five-Minute Invincibility Pyro-Firepower (Flaming Bullets) Rapid Boom (Exploding Bullets) Superhero Punch (Explosive Melee Attacks) Superhero Leap (Jump higher by holding Square or X) Dead Eye (Three tiers of slo-mo aiming) Skyfall (Spawn in the clouds) Parachute One Too Many (Drunk Mode)

Some other GTA V cheat codes

ACTION GTA 5 CHEAT CODES Recharge Special Ability POWERUP Run Faster CATCHME Jump Higher GOTGILLS Increase Wanted Level FUGITIVE Exploding Punch HOTHANDS Bullets that explode HIGHEX Flaming Bullets INCENDIARY Get Character Drunk LIQUOR Fall from the Sky SKYFALL Change Weather MAKEITRAIN Slippery Cars on the Road SNOWDAY Activate Low Gravity FLOATER Play the Game in…